Jul 21, 2014

K&R Exercise 1.4 Program for Celsius to Fahrenheit table

Problem Statement

Exercise 1-4: Write a program to print the corresponding Celsius to Fahrenheit table.


This question is to do conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit. It is opposite to question that was covered K&R Exercise 1.3 Print heading to temperature conversion program.

We know the formula for Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion 

celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr - 32.0)

Re-arranging the terms in terms of fahr

fahr = (9.0/5.0 * celsius) + 32.0

Re-writing code from K&R Exercise 1.3 Print heading to temperature conversion program  we can write program that is: 

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   float fahr, celsius;
   int lower, upper, step;

   lower = 0;
   upper = 300;
   step = 20;

   celsius = lower;

 printf("     C   F\n");
   while(celsius <= upper) {
      fahr = (9.0/5.0 * celsius) + 32.0;
      printf("%6.1f %3.0f\n", celsius, fahr);
      celsius = celsius + step;
   return 0;

Output of the above program is

     C   F
   0.0  32
  20.0  68
  40.0 104
  60.0 140
  80.0 176
 100.0 212
 120.0 248
 140.0 284
 160.0 320
 180.0 356
 200.0 392
 220.0 428
 240.0 464
 260.0 500
 280.0 536
 300.0 572


Next Article - K&R Exercise 1.5 Temperature conversion reverse order
Previous Article - K&R Exercise 1.3 Print heading to temperature conversion program

All Article - K & R Answers


  1. Hi there, thanks for the working out of the problem. However you confused F with C in the table header. It should be "printf(" C F\n")".

    1. Yes you are right. Thanks for correcting me. Hope you find other material interesting also.
