C Programming
C Programming
Following is sequential links to all the Articles on C Programming
- Bit, Byte etc
- A Brief history of C
- First Program - Hello C
- Datatypes and Variable
- Constants
- Operators - Introduction
- Operators - Arithmetic
- Operators - Relational
- Operators - Logical
- Operators - Bit-wise
- Operators - Conditional
- Operators - Assignment
- Operators - Increment, Decrement
- Operators - Comma
- Operators - Expression and Statement
- Operator precedence, associativity and order of evaluation
- Comments
- Decision Making - if, else if, else
- Decision Making - Switch
- Loop - Introduction
- Loop - for
- Loop - while
- Loop - do while
- Loop - break
- Loop - continue
- Loop - nested
- Loop - infinite
- Decision Making - goto
- Constant Macros
- Constant Enum
- Typedef part -1
- Function
- Global Variable
- Journey from source code to executable
- Pre-processor
- Parameterised Macro
- Function - Stack
- Function - recursion
- Array - single dimension
- Array - two dimension
- Pointer - introduction
- Pointer - arithmetic
- Pointer - NULL
- Pointer - other operators
- Pointer - as function parameter and return value
- Pointer to function
- Array of pointers
- Pointers and Array - brothers
- Pointer to array
- Double pointer - inception
- Void pointer
- Passing array to a function
- Structure - introduction
- Structure - pointer
- Structure - declaration and definition
- Structure - forward declaration
- Structure - partial initialization
- Structure - bitfields
- Endianness
- Unions
- Union and bit-field example - register
- Typical Header file
- How to write a static library
- How to write a dynamic library
- Difference between declaration and definition
- Storage Class
- Scope
- Volatile variable
- Volatile pointers
- Typecasting Variable
- Typecasting pointer
- Strings
- string.h library
- strlen implementation
- strcpy implementation
- strcat implementation
- strcmp implementation
- strchr implementation
- strstr implementation
- string literal concatenation
- Token Concatenation
- stringification operator
- designated intializers
- flexible array member
- Memory functions
- stdio - getchar, putchar, gets, puts
- stdio - printf, scanf
- stdio - insane formating in printf
- printf - %n specifier
- fileio - fopen, fclose, fputc, fgetc, fputs, fgets
nice articles .......very helpful for programers/developers